While you may know him as a fellow classmate and star basketball player, senior Josh Reed has paved a new path for himself. On Tik Tok, a video-focused social media and social networking service that took off in March of 2020, Reed predicted his future rise to fame. Beginning justContinue Reading

When it comes to Pace theatre, dedication is key. This rings especially true for the Upper School’s upcoming production of “Shrek the Musical.” During a rehearsal on Sunday, Feb. 27, it was announced to the cast that simply playing their characters would not be enough. From then on, they wouldContinue Reading

Upper School Spanish Teacher Laura Agront-Hobbs is not new to the Olympic circuit. She qualified twice for the Olympic games and competed in 1984 in Los Angeles, representing Puerto Rico and participating in the high jump. That is why it should come as no surprise to students that Señora Agront-HobbsContinue Reading

Pace Academy Upper School English teacher Marsha Durlin has been sentenced to 55 years in prison for her crimes against the environment. For decades, Durlin has walked into class and handed every student an uncanny amount of packets consisting of up to twenty articles. Oftentimes, students’ binders become crippled asContinue Reading

In Jan. 2022, the supreme court ruled to hear the cases against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) regarding race-based admissions. Affirmative action serves as a way for colleges and universities to create diverse environments and give historically marginalized groups of people equal opportunity. This decision comesContinue Reading

Tensions in Eastern Europe are flaring as Russia is preparing to launch an invasion into Ukraine, and Ukraine has no intention of backing down. In recent months, Russia has been amassing troops on their Ukrainian border. Many people hoped that this demonstration was just a show of force, but instead,Continue Reading

Particular books have been established as key aspects of English classes all across schools in the United States, but in recent years, activists have worked to ban these books by targeting local school boards. Some states have already taken action on these complaints. The American Library Association (ALA) said inContinue Reading

Long-awaited, Mr. Tim Hornor, US History Chairperson and Teacher, has joined the viral social media platform of Tik Tok. An extremely prevalent app around the world, but especially at Pace, this news has brought the utmost excitement amongst students! Joining on Jan. 1, 2022, Mr. Hornor says, “I made itContinue Reading

Torrential downpours … lightning strikes … the forecasts predict terrible weather for this fall. Due to the inclement conditions, the TEDx Conference has to be canceled. Upper School English Teacher and Head of the Conference Robert Kaufman announced the decision on Thursday, expressing his lament and disappointment in the globalContinue Reading