Having a job over the summer would be a productive and useful way to spend your time. While going on vacations and relaxing at home may be fun, getting a job teaches life skills and allows you to make money for the 2024-2025 school year. Working at summer camps, lifeguarding at a neighborhood pool or working at Chick-fil-A are great jobs to apply for this summer. Here are some Pace students’ summer jobs and why they loved working them!

Many students work at neighborhood pools or camps as lifeguards, snack bar managers, or counselors during the summer. Sophomore Bauer Thomas, a manager at Garden Hills, says he is “in charge of making sure everyone does their job” and that “I also open and close the pool, test the pool’s chemical levels and handle the money.” Thomas says he enjoys working at a pool because he has “a lot of responsibilities,” but he also gets “to spend time with coworkers who are all super fun.” Senior Rebecca Thompson works at Westminster Summer Camp as a counselor and lifeguard. Thompson says she enjoys working at the camp because “all counselors are around the same age and we all get close over the summer.” Agape Camp Jump Smart and Keeping Pace are two other camps that have counselor positions open to high school students. 

Another easy job for the summertime is nannying and dog sitting. Sophomore Merritt Thompson says she enjoys nannying in the summer because she “gets to watch the kids grow up and give them fun experiences.” Thompson says she loves to “braid hair, swim, and watch movies” with the children. Freshman Madeleine Memar also nannies in the summer and says “I love little kids and hanging out with them” and that “we love to go to the park and play outside in the summer.” Sophomore Bella Goings dog sits for families in her neighborhood and loves that “it is a pretty simple job and I get to walk dogs for money”. Goings says “It is also a great way to meet people in your neighborhood while also having an easy and consistent job.”

Working at local businesses is a great way to network in Atlanta and build relationships with business communities. Junior Anna Kate Howell works at Highland Runners and says she gets “to meet different types of people and work with my best friends.” Howell works on Sundays and Tuesdays which still allows for a flexible schedule during the week. During her shifts, she says she “gets people fitted for running shoes and helps them pick the best shoe for their foot and what activities they do.” Ansley Freudenstein works at Yonder Yoga, which a former Pace teacher, Selby Hill, runs. Freudenstein spends her shifts checking customers in for hot yoga classes, laundry and cleaning the studio. Freudenstein says she loves Yonder because “of the long-lasting friendships and the accepting and supportive community.”

Restaurants like Chick-fil-A, Mcdonald’s and Menchies are great summer job ideas to meet people around Atlanta and also have great food! Junior Nicholas Demba and Sophomore Will Grabowski both work at Chick-fil-A throughout the school year and during the summer. Grabowski says he enjoys “having employees around the same age” as him and “the relaxed hours and managers.” Grabowski and Demba both work the front counters, drive-through windows and other tasks around the restaurant. Demba says he “loves meeting new people” and “it’s always my pleasure to serve you.” Menchies is an easy and flexible summer job and is a great first job to have. Senior Gabby Maunter says she loves working at Menchies because “it is super interactive with customers” and “it also does not take a lot of work”. Sophomore Andrew Kamin spent all of last summer working at McDonald’s and says he enjoyed “spending time with the coworkers that became my friends and I also liked working at the drive-through windows.” 

Rebecca Thompson poses with her coworkers at Westminster summer camp. Photo: Rebecca Thompson

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