A lifer at Pace, Junior Oliver Loree is involved in just about everything! Partaking in the musical, robotics and leading various clubs, Loree keeps himself very busy at school. However, he also finds himself heavily involved outside of school with his own personal endeavors. Loree runs his own Instagram account,Continue Reading

There are so many Pace alumni working in the real world to form their own businesses and expand on their own creative ideas, so I wanted to cover more. Pace showcases both of these small businesses on its website to spread the word about them and promote their work, alongContinue Reading

Since 2019, Pace students have been eagerly anticipating the return of an off-campus Prom. The wait came to an end on Apr. 23, when 248 students attended the annual dance at the Illuminarium Experience on the Atlanta Beltline.  According to their website, the Illuminarium “transports you to a sensory experienceContinue Reading

As the 2021-2022 school year comes to a close, several beloved teachers in the Pace community are retiring: Upper School Ceramics teacher Mark Knott, US World Language Chairperson Cappy Lewis and US English Department Chairperson Marsha Durlin.   For the past 10 years, Mr. Knott has taught ceramics to the studentsContinue Reading

GAP day, or Great American Picnic Day, is one of the most anticipated school days of the year. The exhilaration is filled with games, food and physics competitions. At around 10:30 a.m., Phlotilla occurred, where numerous groups of freshmen created their own makeshift boat in order to win the raceContinue Reading

As the war between Russia and Ukraine is becoming more severe, some Pace students have gathered supplies to aid the citizens of Ukraine. The war between Russia and Ukraine began on Feb. 24, 2022, and the warfare has grown more brutal over time. Russia is attacking the region of KyivContinue Reading

Since the Pace Academy football team’s official start in 2009, the team has quickly accumulated success in the Atlanta-Metro Area. Nine years ago, former University of Virginia star and Super Bowl Champion, Chris Slade, joined the staff and built the program from the bottom up, helping the team consistently reachContinue Reading

On Feb. 24, 2022, the Russian army invaded its neighboring country of Ukraine, and Eastern Europe has been in danger ever since. Though Russian President Vladimir Putin never officially declared war, Ukraine is suffering, and many of its citizens are being killed daily. A few days after the Russian invasion,Continue Reading

While you may know him as a fellow classmate and star basketball player, senior Josh Reed has paved a new path for himself. On Tik Tok, a video-focused social media and social networking service that took off in March of 2020, Reed predicted his future rise to fame. Beginning justContinue Reading

When it comes to Pace theatre, dedication is key. This rings especially true for the Upper School’s upcoming production of “Shrek the Musical.” During a rehearsal on Sunday, Feb. 27, it was announced to the cast that simply playing their characters would not be enough. From then on, they wouldContinue Reading

Upper School Spanish Teacher Laura Agront-Hobbs is not new to the Olympic circuit. She qualified twice for the Olympic games and competed in 1984 in Los Angeles, representing Puerto Rico and participating in the high jump. That is why it should come as no surprise to students that Señora Agront-HobbsContinue Reading

Pace Academy Upper School English teacher Marsha Durlin has been sentenced to 55 years in prison for her crimes against the environment. For decades, Durlin has walked into class and handed every student an uncanny amount of packets consisting of up to twenty articles. Oftentimes, students’ binders become crippled asContinue Reading

Long-awaited, Mr. Tim Hornor, US History Chairperson and Teacher, has joined the viral social media platform of Tik Tok. An extremely prevalent app around the world, but especially at Pace, this news has brought the utmost excitement amongst students! Joining on Jan. 1, 2022, Mr. Hornor says, “I made itContinue Reading