This year’s spring musical, “Shrek,” blew away its audience on the nights of Apr. 7, 8 and 9 with its strong voices and comedic aspects. Thirty three students put in hours of work after school for this three-day performance, along with the many others who worked behind the scenes. AContinue Reading

While Celsius has been a popular energy drink for a couple years, it has come to the attention of its users that it can cause serious damage to their health and even career. Celsius is considered to be one of the most widely used energy drinks on the market rightContinue Reading

Meet the new 2026 class dean, Upper School Biology teacher and Lacrosse coach, Ben Ewing. Ewing served in the Peace Corps in Fiji before working at Pace, and his hobbies include hiking, fishing, spending time outdoors and cooking. In 2018, Ewing started his teaching career at Pace and has servedContinue Reading

KNIGHTLY NEWS: So what’s up? MEGAN HARDESTY: Good morning! MEGHNA SINGHNA: Jack, why are you being passive aggressive? KN: Okay, first question, how do you feel about leaving Pace and starting college? MH: It’s time to go. I’ve been here since fifth grade. No, but in all seriousness -Jack stopContinue Reading

In late March 2022, Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that states that “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students inContinue Reading

A lifer at Pace, Junior Oliver Loree is involved in just about everything! Partaking in the musical, robotics and leading various clubs, Loree keeps himself very busy at school. However, he also finds himself heavily involved outside of school with his own personal endeavors. Loree runs his own Instagram account,Continue Reading

There are so many Pace alumni working in the real world to form their own businesses and expand on their own creative ideas, so I wanted to cover more. Pace showcases both of these small businesses on its website to spread the word about them and promote their work, alongContinue Reading

Since 2019, Pace students have been eagerly anticipating the return of an off-campus Prom. The wait came to an end on Apr. 23, when 248 students attended the annual dance at the Illuminarium Experience on the Atlanta Beltline.  According to their website, the Illuminarium “transports you to a sensory experienceContinue Reading

Fifty-seven-year-old David Bennett Sr., who suffered a severe heart disease while living in Maryland, has become subject to groundbreaking medical history. In Jan. 2022 at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Mr. Bennett’s failing heart was replaced with that of a genetically altered pig. According to The New York Times,Continue Reading

As the 2021-2022 school year comes to a close, several beloved teachers in the Pace community are retiring: Upper School Ceramics teacher Mark Knott, US World Language Chairperson Cappy Lewis and US English Department Chairperson Marsha Durlin.   For the past 10 years, Mr. Knott has taught ceramics to the studentsContinue Reading

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” declared Elon Musk in a news release on April 25th. This announcement came shortly after Twitter announced that the company has accepted Musk’s $44Continue Reading