Fast fashion has taken over the world in the past 20 years with 400% more clothes being produced now compared to the early 2000s. Ranging from companies like Shein to Forever 21 to H&M, these stores manufacture trendy, cheap, mass-produced clothes for high consumer demands at the expense of ourContinue Reading

The Knightly News: Hello Mr. Ewing. Ben Ewing: Hello Mr. Swann. KN: How do you feel about being the dean of the Class of 2026? BE: I’ve really enjoyed getting to know this new crew. KN: Glad to hear that. Is it emotional to move on from such an amazingContinue Reading

Over the past year, an increased awareness has been raised of discrimination in predominantly white institutions across the United States. In February 2022, five Black students at Brigham Young University named Kennethia Dorsey, Nathanael Byrd, Kylee Shepherd, Sebastian Stewart-Johnson and Rachel Weaver created a group called the “Black Menaces” toContinue Reading

On October 25, the Russian government rejected Brittney Griner’s appeal against her drug charges, and Griner will serve nine years of prison in Russia. “We are very disappointed,” said Griner’s attorneys Maria Blagovolina and Alexander Boykov. “We still think the punishment is excessive and contradicts the existing court practice.” LastContinue Reading

Exam week is approaching, and as teachers are preparing, students are beginning to stress. But fear not! This article will cover strategies and tips for each subject’s exams. One of the biggest questions students have around exam season is when they should start studying. Upper school math teacher Jason SmithContinue Reading

Nothing can make your day better quite like a McFlurry. Coming from McDonalds, one of the biggest fast food chains in the world, with over 38,000 locations in 100 countries, the McFlurry is an exceptional treat. Along with their Hot Fudge Sundaes and Milkshakes, the desserts are a must get.Continue Reading

Men’s Basketball: After losing in the state tournament last year, the men’s basketball team, led by Coach Sharman White, hopes to reestablish their previous dominance and lead the team to another state championship. The loss of key players senior Josh Reed to the Cincinnati Bearcats, and freshman Bryson Tiller toContinue Reading

Coming to Pace in the 9th grade, Senior Trovon Baugh has been a vital member of the Pace community for four years. Being on the varsity football team since his freshman year and serving as a captain for two, Baugh’s career as a student-athlete has been extremely impressive. Playing offensiveContinue Reading

With Election Day over and results in, Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp is re-elected, defeating Democrat Stacey Abrams. These two also faced off in the previous governor election in 2018 with the same result. This win was not unexpected as Gov. Kemp had been ahead in the polls according toContinue Reading

Seasonal depression, lying dormant for almost three quarters of the year. According to Cleveland Clinic, SAD is triggered by a change in seasons, most commonly beginning in late fall. Symptoms can include lack of energy, loss of interest in usual activities, oversleeping, sensitivity to rejection, social withdrawal and decreased abilityContinue Reading

Recently, musical artist Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has been in the news with numerous scandals. First, Ye wore a controversial “White Lives Matter” shirt during Paris Fashion Week, which was considered hate speech by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Shortly after, Ye made antisemitic comments on Instagram and TwitterContinue Reading

The Pace volleyball and cross country teams have continued to dominate their competition, even after moving up to the 4A division. Nov. 5 was an exciting day for the Pace Knights, as both the girls volleyball and cross country teams brought home state championships, and the boys cross country teamContinue Reading