Following the end of summer break, the combination of a football game, dance, pep rally and gathering of alumni excites students and gives them something to look forward to. Starting off this traditional week, students dressed up in fun outfits to match the particular day’s theme. From a comfy pajamaContinue Reading

A pastor and a football player walk into a bar. Or in this case, a debate stage. These two candidates, incumbent senator Rev. Raphael Warnock and challenger Herschel Walker will face off in the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 8. A third-party candidate, Libertarian Chase Oliver, is also in theContinue Reading

A beautiful Pace Academy tradition has mysteriously disappeared. Suddenly he has vanished from the campus. Last year, his fuzzy friend of all cheerfully greeted drivers as they zoomed through the front castle gate every morning. Perched on his shelf, the plush pal sat innocently with a wondrous bow around hisContinue Reading

Summer is always defined by how good the music was. People are constantly looking for the song that made the summer. This year the most popular song was Beyonce’s “Break my Soul.” 2021’s song of the summer was Olivia Rodrigo’s “Good 4 You.” However, because of Tik Tok, songs canContinue Reading

On Aug. 24, during an assembly not soon to be forgotten, the 2022-2023 school year dress code was revealed. The new Dean of Students Erica Barbakow gave her presentation about the rules for the school, and much of it was the same as years prior. However, the one big changeContinue Reading

Upper School English teacher LESLIE DEPIETRO knew she wanted to be a teacher since she was a teenager. Beginning as a camp counselor in high school, Mrs. Depietro has always found working with kids to be her passion. Her favorite part of working with high schoolers is the entertaining interactionsContinue Reading

Last semester, junior Emma Lowry attended the Outdoor Academy, a semester school for sophomores and juniors in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. The Outdoor Academy is a unique, semester-long program where about 30 students from all over the country come together to live as a community, attend hands-on classes in theContinue Reading

KN: Hey guys! How are you all doing?  DAVID GRICE: Fantastic!  KN: Why don’t you all give a formal introduction for the readers?  BIANCA VANERI: Sure! I’m Bianca Vaneri! I’m the student body secretary.  DG: I’m David Grice, and I am the student body vice president.  JACK WAGREICH: I’m JackContinue Reading

As we dive back into the school year, students are reflecting on incredible summers, full of relaxation and exciting vacations. But for many students, this summer was one of hard work and great reward. Take a look at the ups and downs of having a summer job. While working duringContinue Reading

As the world has almost entirely returned to normal, something extraordinary is finally coming back to Pace after its long hibernation since COVID-19 interrupted the world.  Is it individual salt shakers returning to the cafeteria? Is it couches coming back to the commons? Is it chocolate chip Golberg’s muffins comingContinue Reading