As a way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and his legacy, the Pace community participated in a weekend of community service all around the metro Atlanta area and the annual MLK Sunday Supper. MLK Day is the only federal holiday that is a national day of service. AsContinue Reading

Pace Academy campus came alive on the nights of Jan. 28 and 29, as a lively audience showed up to watch a staple of the Upper School drama department: the Winter Showcase. Rather than experiencing just one play or musical, attendees witnessed the production played out in the Fine ArtsContinue Reading

Pace Athletics are performing well in winter sports, with wrestling, swimming and diving and both girls and boys basketball teams thriving. As seasons are approaching the finish line, teams are preparing for the state playoffs with passion and excitement to bring home a state title.  Boys Basketball:  The varsity boysContinue Reading

As 2022 approached, the first Omicron COVID-19 variant case in the United States was confirmed on Dec. 1, 2021 by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). As of Dec. 20, 2021, Omicron had been detected in most states and territories at a rapidly increasing rate. By late December,Continue Reading

On Dec. 19, 2021, Georgia’s beloved US Senator Johnny Isakson (Republican) passed away after serving 14 years in the Senate. When I was in eighth grade, just before Sen. Isakson resigned his post for health reasons in 2019, he agreed to be interviewed by me for a project I wasContinue Reading

Valentine’s Day is around the corner on Feb. 14, and what could be a better way to spend the holiday than watching a romantic comedy! There are many classic romantic comedies out there, but here are five favorites: “10 Things I Hate About You” was released in 1999 and starsContinue Reading

With the start of a new semester comes the start of the beloved minimesters! Inspired by “Jan-mesters,” a month long special course taken by college students in January, Pace introduced “minimesters.” Although only a week long, minimesters follow the same concept as Jan-mesters by exposing students to out of theContinue Reading

On Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, public school officials in Chicago canceled classes after a dispute with the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). Members CTU threatened to stay home because of the sudden COVID-19 surge and the new Omicron variant. As cases continued to rise to city record levels, the teachers believedContinue Reading

Outside its usual religious services, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church has a long-standing tradition of setting up an annual winter high school basketball league. This league is filled with teams from local Atlanta schools, composed of players who are looking for a fun, entertaining environment without the stress and longContinue Reading

As the clock counts down to midnight on Dec. 31, 2021 and people across the nation vow to become better, a disheartening fact looms over the new year: over two-thirds of Americans will abandon their New Year’s Resolution within the first month. The overwhelming optimism from the first two weeksContinue Reading