KN: Hey guys! How are you all doing?  DAVID GRICE: Fantastic!  KN: Why don’t you all give a formal introduction for the readers?  BIANCA VANERI: Sure! I’m Bianca Vaneri! I’m the student body secretary.  DG: I’m David Grice, and I am the student body vice president.  JACK WAGREICH: I’m JackContinue Reading

As we dive back into the school year, students are reflecting on incredible summers, full of relaxation and exciting vacations. But for many students, this summer was one of hard work and great reward. Take a look at the ups and downs of having a summer job. While working duringContinue Reading

This year Georgia citizens will elect their next governor. The candidates are Brain Kemp (Republican), Stacey Abrams (Democrat), Elbert Bartell (Independent), President Boddie (Independent) and Shane Hazel (Libertarian). After the 2022 Georgia Primary Election, Georgia Republicans chose Brain Kemp over David Perdue and Kandiss Taylor as their nominee. Stacey AbramsContinue Reading

As the world has almost entirely returned to normal, something extraordinary is finally coming back to Pace after its long hibernation since COVID-19 interrupted the world.  Is it individual salt shakers returning to the cafeteria? Is it couches coming back to the commons? Is it chocolate chip Golberg’s muffins comingContinue Reading

In a historic decision to reverse reproductive rights set in place for nearly half a century, on June 24, the Supreme Court ruled to eliminate a woman’s constitutional right to abortion. Since then, nearly one in three American women, over 20 million, have lost access to safe abortions. This numberContinue Reading

August 24, 2022 was a contradicting day for the nation of Ukraine. While it marked the day of independence from their Soviet rule and called for celebration, it also marked the six-month anniversary of the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022. Since this date when Vladimir Putin announced a “specialContinue Reading

On Sep. 8, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom passed away at 96. Her son, Charles III ascended the throne as King following her death. An icon known for her beautiful waves to crowds and outrageously colorful hats, Elizabeth was a warrior who served as the valiant queen forContinue Reading

Football: The football team begins the season hoping to continue their success from the previous year. After going 6-5 in the 2021 season including a record of 6-2 in region play, the knights prepare for a new season under recently hired Head Coach Nick Bach. This year, the Knights startedContinue Reading

With the beginning of August came an immense scientific breakthrough: synthetic embryos. According to VOA News, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel were said to have found a way to create mouse embryo-like structures from mere stem cells in a lab. Made without the fertilization of eggs,Continue Reading

On May 24, 2022, members of the Pace Business Club visited the Coca-Cola headquarters to learn about the global corporation, its consumer products and business life structure. The Upper School Business Club is a new initiative started by members of the junior class and is geared towards navigating through theContinue Reading

Large amounts of dangerous chemicals have been found in food packaging. PFAS are chemicals used by restaurants and manufacturers to keep water and grease out of the packaging. They are used in a variety of objects including nonstick pans, clothing, stain-resistant furniture, carpets and even cellphones. The CDC has classifiedContinue Reading