On Dec. 19, 2021, Georgia’s beloved US Senator Johnny Isakson (Republican) passed away after serving 14 years in the Senate. When I was in eighth grade, just before Sen. Isakson resigned his post for health reasons in 2019, he agreed to be interviewed by me for a project I wasContinue Reading

Valentine’s Day is around the corner on Feb. 14, and what could be a better way to spend the holiday than watching a romantic comedy! There are many classic romantic comedies out there, but here are five favorites: “10 Things I Hate About You” was released in 1999 and starsContinue Reading

With the start of a new semester comes the start of the beloved minimesters! Inspired by “Jan-mesters,” a month long special course taken by college students in January, Pace introduced “minimesters.” Although only a week long, minimesters follow the same concept as Jan-mesters by exposing students to out of theContinue Reading

On Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, public school officials in Chicago canceled classes after a dispute with the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). Members CTU threatened to stay home because of the sudden COVID-19 surge and the new Omicron variant. As cases continued to rise to city record levels, the teachers believedContinue Reading

Outside its usual religious services, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church has a long-standing tradition of setting up an annual winter high school basketball league. This league is filled with teams from local Atlanta schools, composed of players who are looking for a fun, entertaining environment without the stress and longContinue Reading

As the clock counts down to midnight on Dec. 31, 2021 and people across the nation vow to become better, a disheartening fact looms over the new year: over two-thirds of Americans will abandon their New Year’s Resolution within the first month. The overwhelming optimism from the first two weeksContinue Reading