Antifragile confidence is the idea of intensely trusting ourselves, such that we know that we can not only handle whatever life throws at us, but that we can get stronger as a result. The main prerequisite to forging antifragile confidence is coming to terms with the #1 rule of self-improvement.Continue Reading

In the world of education, there are teachers who teach and those who leave a lasting imprint on their students’ lives. All Pace students who took Dr. DuPree’s class can agree that Dr. Dupree belongs to the latter category. As he bids farewell to an impactful teaching career, his students,Continue Reading

It’s that time of year again, dark mornings, cold weather, shortening days. This is the time when motivation to improve oneself begins to fade away. Most people hate the cold, they want to snuggle up in blankets and get all cozy drinking pumpkin spiced lattes while watching movies. Winter isContinue Reading

In today’s fast-paced society, prioritizing self-care is more crucial than ever. Self-care involves intentionally taking time to nurture both mental and physical well-being. “My #1 self-care habit is taking a cold shower every morning,” said Junior Dylan Nelson. Self-care comes down to 2 simple questions. What’s the #1 thing thatContinue Reading

Most empires collapse from within. Most people’s struggles are self-inflicted. Stop reacting, who has ever lost their temper and then been glad after the fact? Anger never improves or fixes the issue at hand. Sure a basketball coach may get angry to rile up their players, but if they don’tContinue Reading

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Newspaper Club at Pace Academy, a milestone celebrating half a century of student journalism and creativity. Since its creation in 1974, the club has been a cornerstone of Pace, providing a platform for students to voice their opinions, help other students liveContinue Reading

School’s out and summer starts, time to have a fun relaxing stress free summer. WRONG! Summer is the best time for self-improvement, especially because while others are lounging around, you can catch up. Sophomore Jack Lynch challenged, “But I just worked so hard the whole school year, I deserve aContinue Reading

There’s only a week until exams and you don’t know what to do. Don’t worry, I got you. For reference, let’s use the acronym, STARE: spaced repetition, take breaks, active recall, repetition and exam taking.  First is spaced repetition, or the reviewing of the same information with gradually longer breaksContinue Reading

Most people aren’t happy when they look in the mirror. If you’re one of those people then you MUST make a change. How does one change? Simple, create a new self-image. Change how you perceive yourself. Trying to change one’s behavior before one’s identity, guarantees failure. Change your identity, andContinue Reading

Pick up a book! Substitute at least a small portion of that time you spend on your phone for reading. Now you must be thinking, but Hayes, reading is boring. If you think reading is boring, you couldn’t be more wrong. Thinking that way is a result of reading boringContinue Reading

What do you want in life? Happiness of course. No, if that’s what you want in life I hate to break it to you, but you’re a complete fool. You don’t want happiness you want fulfillment. Happiness is both fleeting and uncontrollable. So what can we substitute for happiness alongContinue Reading

Why are we insecure? The answer is comparison. Comparison can be motivating and healthy at times but the issue is the scale at with social media brings it to. In the stone ages you would compare yourself among your fellow tribe members. Now, with social media, you’re comparing yourself withContinue Reading