Climate change has increased the severity of storms across the world resulting in flooding and disasters of biblical proportion. For more than 40 days in June 2022, parts of Pakistan were subject to unrelenting rain causing devastating flooding, much like what happened to Noah in the Bible. These floods resultedContinue Reading

With Halloween right around the corner, haunted houses across the country have opened for a limited time. In Georgia, one haunted house located in Gwinnett County stands out: Netherworld. According to Customer News and Business Channel, Netherworld is the fifth scariest haunted house in the nation. Despite the attraction’s reputation,Continue Reading

For many soccer fans, the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will shine a little less brightly, due to the abuse of the employed workers. In order to host the teams and fans, Qatar needed to construct a new airport, seven new stadiums and new hotels. This rich but small countryContinue Reading