The cast of Puffs competed in the One-Act Play GHSA State Championship and placed 5th in Georgia. Senior Hannah White and junior Nicholas Demba were also named in the State All Star Cast.
Puffs is a hilarious spin off of a certain series about a school of witchcraft and wizardry (unnamed for copyright reasons), from the perspective of the Puffs, the most unremarkable of the four houses. The play features familiar characters like Harry, Cedric, Voldy, Blondo Malfoy and Professor Turban, as well as new ones like the lead Wanda Hopkins, played by junior Julia Goode, her best friend Olivia Rivers, played by junior Hannah Klein, and Megan Jones, played by Senior Hannah White.
After performing at Pace twice, the cast of Puffs competed in regionals with huge success. Puffs got first place, Nicholas Demba received the Best Actor award, Julia Goode received Best Actress and Seniors Jackson Allegra and Hannah White were named to the All Star Cast.
The 22 actors and crew then traveled to Tifton, Georgia on Nov. 10 to compete against seven other schools from across the state. “Going to state was super exciting for the cast, and it proved to be an interesting journey,” said Liam Nagle, who was the narrator and played Professor Turban. The cast performed well having not been on stage until the performance. “Watching some of the other performances was also exciting,” he said.
The One-Act play has a few very particular requirements; for example, the entire show must be set up, performed, and the set must be taken down in 55 minutes or less. The cast was supported by a robust stage crew that aided in moving the set, controlling lights and sounds and helping backstage, and Pace was able to pull off an impressive performance. “Going to state was an amazing and memorable experience not only filled with friendly competition but also the opportunity to bond with cast mates,” said Hannah Klein. The Drama club is already looking forward to the Winter Showcase and Spring Musical and hope to continue their success!