KN: Hey guys! How are you all doing?
Camille Caton: Great!
Brian Lee: Doing great!
KN: To start off this interview, the readers want to know, are you both friends?
CC: No, I hate Brian. Just kidding. Yes, we are friends.
BL: We’re besties.
KN: How does it feel being homecoming royalty?
BL: Beyond exhilarating!
CC: Very exciting!
Katie Janko: What are you all doing?
CC: We’re being interviewed actually. Quiet on the set, please.
KN: Did you get anything for being homecoming royalty?
CC: We got some crowns, but I lost it.
BL: Yeah, I threw mine out.
KN: You threw it away?
BL: Yeah, I threw it in the street out of my car window. I got too excited. Someone found it though.
CC: I put the crown in Bianca’s car, and it got stolen by one of my friends.
KN: Did you get it back?
CC: No, I don’t know where it is.
KN: Is the crown plastic?
CC: Oh, yeah. It’s not very exciting.
KN: What celebrity crush did you choose when they introduced your names on the court?
CC: Dua Lipa because I love her. I’m obsessed with her.
KN: Camille, you actually look like the celebrity from Fifth Harmony. Her name is Camila Cabello.
CC: Wait, really?
BL: Hahaha.
KN: You both are twins. You’ve never been told that you look like her?
CC: No, but maybe I’ll start going by the name Camila.
BL: Yes, you should do that.
KN: How is senior year going so far?
CC: Very stressful. Not fun.
BL: Tough year with college applications and taking hard classes.
CC: Yeah, I agree.
KN: Well, on that note, what has been the most exciting thing so far this year?
CC: Just like thinking I’ll be done with common applications soon.
BL: Applying to college and knowing new things are ahead.
KN: What was your favorite year that you experienced at Pace?
CC: Probably last year or this year.
BL: What, junior year sucked because it was so hard. I had a lot of fun in eighth grade.
CC: Yes, eighth grade was so fun.
KN: That was my COVID year so, it was not one of my favorites. Any advice for the freshmen?
BL: Be careful of the classes you take. There are some that are a lot more difficult than others. Try to avoid them at all costs.
CC: Talk to your teachers. Try to get ahead on work, and don’t stress yourself out too young.
KN: Yeah, it only goes down from here. No, just kidding. Life gets way better. Who is your favorite teacher in the upper school?
CC: Probably Mrs. Terry because I got to have her for two years.
BL: I think all of them are good. I’ve never had a bad experience with any of them.
KN: Who do you think is the most intimidating teacher?
CC: Mr. Gannon.
KN: Really?
CC: He’s intimidating, but once you get to know him, he’s super funny.
BL: Probably Mr. Hornor. I like him a lot, but he’s scary.
KN: Anything you would like to add?
CC: Nope.
BL: Nope.
KN: Okay, thank you!