This section is for website FAQs and how you can use the website. All questions about the actual content should be directed to the editors in chief, who can be contacted at


KnightFlix is now a part of the Knightly News. You can access the KnightFlix program under “Broadcasts”. Keep in mind that some archived games may not be available due to coaches’ requests. 

Online Articles

How do I view all of the articles in a certain category?

There are buttons in the main menu that have category names; click them to go to a category archive which has all of the articles we’ve written on a particular subject. Some of the categories are newer than others, so they may have fewer articles.

I can’t find the category I’m looking for. What do I do?

Make sure that you hold your cursor over the buttons that have down arrows – this will cause a drop-down list to appear, with extra categories to choose from. If you still can’t find the category, try searching for it with our search box. If all else fails, make sure to send us an email at


How do I sign up for the newsletter?

In our sidebar, there’s a newsletter tab. Click on it, and you’ll see a button for you to sign up. It will take you to a sign up page.

We use MailChimp for our newletters, and we’ll ask for a bit of information so that we can make sure you’re a human. Don’t worry, it will never be used to spam you, and you can always unsubscribe.

My newsletter hasn’t been delivered for a while. Is this a problem?

Not necessarily. The newsletter is sent on Fridays, if new content has been created. We won’t send you a blank newsletter to clog up your email, so don’t worry about it. However, if it doesn’t show up for over a month, you’ll want to check your spam filter and make sure it isn’t being blocked.


Where I can I find multimedia content?

There’s a multimedia tab in the main menu, or you can see the 3 most recent Vimeo videos in our sidebar.


The polls don’t seem to be saving my submission. What’s happening?

You may not have cookies enabled in your browser. We use cookies to keep track of your voting, and you can’t submit an answer into the poll without cookies.