Trick-or-Treaters go from house to house looking for candy.

The most intense aspect regarding October’s spooky holiday, Halloween, is undoubtedly picking or creating a costume. Choosing what to wear for a party with friends or the Pace Halloween costume contest leaves room for creativity. Some people will have four different costumes and plan months in advance, while others will have one solid costume and wear it to any halloween occasion, varying from superheroes to grandmas. The most popular Halloween costumes according to are Spiderman, princesses and witches. The possibilities are endless, providing a reason as to why so much pressure exists regarding a costume choice.

The first step when deciding on a costumes is deciding wether to be funny or serious. Freshman Hayes Hurd said he is being a pickle for Halloween, taking the more humorous route. The second step of the process is deciding to do a solo, duo or group costume. Sophomore Ella Lynch said, “I like Halloween because it is so much fun to dress up with my friends.” Sophomore Ryan Wrigley and her friends are dressing up as Ghost Busters, as they are each being specific characters from the movie. However, there are also costumes duos, for example, Sophomores Caden Austin and Charles Smith are dressing up as Dr. Doofendshmertz and Perry the Platypus from the iconic children’s show Phineas and Ferb. Junior Sarah Proctor and friends decided to be fairies for Halloween. This costume avoids the constriction of character choice.

Lastly, Senior Brooke Brumfield has three costumes planned. First, she will be a character from Top Gun with the rest of her friends. Secondly, she is dressing as the twins from The Shining with Senior Brooke McCullough. For her third and final costume, Brumfield will dress up as Ricky Bobby’s wife from Talladega Nights. Brumfield said, “I am excited for my last Halloween as a high schooler and cannot wait to hangout with my friends this weekend.”

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