Complied By: Arnav Maddineni
What do you call a dead parrot who likes math? Polly-gone!
Source: Hi-Speed Mathematics
What do you call a selfish musician? Bass-ic.
Source: Arnav Maddineni
What did the doctor say to the fruit? Orange you having a good day?
Source: Arnav Maddineni
What do you call a peace activist who lies? A hippie-crite.
Source: Matthew Skop
What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One’s really heavy and the other’s a little lighter.
Source: Matthew Skop
How do you flood a submarine full of fools? You knock on the door.
Source: Jon Soren Uyham
Where can you always find gold? In the dictionary.
Source: Advithi Maddineni
Why do leprechauns recycle? Because they want to go green.
Source: My Little book of St. Patrick’s Day jokes.
Why did the cow go to the concert? Because he loved moo-sic.
Source: A milk carton