Social Media is spread across many platforms where you can share your life or watch and enjoy content, sometimes even both. While some people like to just have fun and create fun content and enjoy videos. However some people take social media a bit too seriously.
They can be way too obsessed and need to see new trends and are always on their phones. This is part of a social media addiction.
Some people, not just on social media but on the internet in general, can have bad intentions and want to harm/scam people. This is why you must always be careful when you are talking to someone on the internet or when even just browsing.
However there are some upsides to social media. You can connect with your friends and check up on them. You can make your own content and have fun exploring what you like. To enjoy participating in challenges, trends, and more.
Make sure you are always being kind and safe on the internet. Also, setting strong passwords is one way to ensure maximum security on your device. Keep those passwords to yourself, don’t share them with anyone.
A study shown at the Butler Hospital indicated that teens who use their phones for extended amounts of time show signs of anxiety, depression, and certain forms of sleep paralysis.
All in all, you should always be careful on social media. Don’t compare yourself to others, you are fine just the way you are. Social media should just be a place to express yourself and enjoy content. Thank you for reading and have a great day.
Campbell Smith
7th Grade