Written By: Townsend Adams
Have you ever heard of Music Midtown? Chances are the answer is yes – Music Midtown is one of Atlanta’s best loved annual festivities in Piedmont Park. But check out some of these other wacky festivals from around the world:

La Tomatina- La Tomatina is an annual food fight festival in Bunol, Spain held on the last Wednesday of August. According to La Tomatina Tours, at about 11 o’clock on the night of the festival, tomato filled trucks drive into Bunol. To begin the festival, a person climbs up a greased wooden stick and retrieves a pig tied to the top. After that, it is everyone for themselves! This festival is filled with lots of fun, and lots of tomatoes.

The Vegetarian Festival is held in temples around Phuket, Thailand during the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. The festival’s name derives from the absence of meat, and any meat products, in order to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. There are many additional ceremonies that also occur during the festival that challenge one’s mind and body. Walking on hot coals and body piercing are seen as a way to receive protection from the gods. Another practice is piercing one’s cheeks with knives, skewers and logger household items. This festival is not for the light hearted.

The Fasnacht Festival in Basel, Switzerland is a festival of masks celebrated on the Monday after Ash Wednesday. Most of the masks represent animals, politicians, and characters. People can make or buy their masks. Some people think it is inappropriate to be seen without a mask on the holiday. The holiday starts at 4 a.m. and moves like clockwork – of course – through songs and dances and general parading for 72 hours!