by Virginia Blalock and Effie Guilbert
Each season has its strengths and weaknesses. But what’s the best season?
Summer: One of the best parts of summer is the lack of school we have.In the summer, since there is so much unstructured time, you can travel to new destinations. The hot air provides many opportunities for beach trips, ice cream socials, and bike rides.
Spring: Spring is the perfect weather for outside activities. It’s the time for warmer weather, while winter is still filtering out. The temperature of spring brings fresh smells, fun activities, and blooming plants. The air is clean, and perfect for you to go outside and enjoy a book or your favorite sport.
Fall: Fall is a great change in the year, time for colder weather. This is a reason for hats, coats, and scarves. When fall comes around, people get excited for the orange leaves, pumpkins, and halloween. The wind picks up and it’s a perfect time for horror movies and fuzzy blankets.
Winter: This is the coziest and comfiest season of them all. Winter just makes you feel warm and happy. It is also a holiday season filled with fun, joy and love. It is time to cozy up in a blanket with the fire going and a movie. There are usually frigid temperatures in the wintertime; great for snow and skiing.
Given all of these advantages of each season, which one is the ‘best’? Obviously, everyone will have their own opinion and they might like different seasons for different reasons but we polled the 7th grade class to see which season is the most popular. The answer: