by Hiruni Manawadu and Millie Rodbell
Halloween is coming up, and to make your costume even scarier, here’s an easy tutorial on how to create a fake wound to incorporate into your costume. Don’t forget to enter you and your incredible wound into the middle school costume contest in the rotunda on halloween!
Step 1:
Spread a thin coat of glue onto the place you would want your wound to be. You could let it air dry, however using a blowdryer will significantly speed up the process. The more layers of glue you apply, the more realistic your wound will be.

Step 2:
Use your fingers to push the glue into a position that the scar would be.

Step 3:
Use a red marker (sharpie is recommended) to fill in where the blood would be coming out

Step 4:
Add black where the shadow would be for a touch of realism, you can blend it out by rubbing it.
Step 5:
This step is optional, where you add foundation or concealer to make the white glue less shiny. Personally, we didn’t do this, but it would elevate your wound to be even better.