By Hailey Huang

Dr. Boehner has recently bought this “odor-absorbing gel”, and it caught my eye. And I have one thing to say, it smells horrible.
- The flavor of this “gel” is calming rain, IT DOES NOT SMELL LIKE RAIN!!! What’s rain even supposed to smell like, sewage?
- Hiruni says it smells like strong laundry detergent with a hint of moldy aloe vera.
- This gel works by eliminating particles in the air that cause bad smells
- This “gel” comes in ball form or paste in a jar, I’ve seen the ball form before, but never this weird wet paste.
- It retails for almost 13 dollars and can be used for over 3 months. But Dr. Boehner says she bought it at Ace Hardware for $5.
I decided to get the input of other fellow newspaper members, and surprisingly most of them liked the smell?
- Lily G
- Favorite Smell: Gardenia Flower
- Thinks the ‘odor-absorbring gel’ smells like crappy men’s deodorant
- Hates the smell
- Libby R
- Favorite Smell: Cooking Baking
- Thinks it ‘odor-absorbring gel’ smells like cleaning supplies
- Thinks the smell is tolerable
- Annabelle
- Favorite smell: Vanilla perfume
- Thinks ‘odor-absorbring gel’ smells like disinfectant
- Likes the smell??
- Carson
- Likes floral scents like roses and daisies
- Think ‘odor-absorbring gel’ smells like laundry soap and dish soap
- Thinks it’s tolerable
- Libby S
- Christmas tree and peppermint
- Thinks ‘odor-absorbring gel’
- smells like soap
- *insert vomiting sound*