by Hailey Huang
I’m sure most of you can relate to this, but I’ve just come to the hard realization that Quizlet is no longer the experience it used to be. Continue reading to cope with this traumatizing defeat.

A Little Story First
T’was a Saturday night and Hailey just realized that she had spent the last day and a half sleeping and needed to study for her history test on Tuesday. So like the responsible and beautiful and big-muscly person she is, she decided to turn on some music and open up Quizlet to the history vocab. But when she finished those 5 free rounds the dreaded screen popped up: YoUr FiVe FrEe RoUnDs ArE uP, JoIn QuIzLeT PlUs nOw.
So, I ended up closing the tab furiously, and now here I am 30 mins later angrily writing a newspaper article about this because that’s the only power I hold as a middle schooler.
Now for the Information Part.
- You now have to pay $7.99 a month, but even Quizlet’s website says the average Quizlet user is under 17, aka the broke student era (no middle schooler is going to pay money for Quizlet)
- A few new changes to the website
- Got rid of gravity completely
- Combined spelling with learn
- You only have one free test on test mode
- Flashcards and Match are still free (the most useless ones)
- Apparently “if a teacher assigns a Quizlet to you as a student in a classroom it’s unlimited”, but the problem with that is, my teachers don’t create classrooms on Quizlet, they just share the set
- RemNote is a good free alternative, with its own note taking and studying options, but still, doesn’t live up to old Quizlet. But, i’ll still be using Quizlet, so don’t come for me
Thanks if you read to the end. bye.