This is a new series we are developing based off the Sam Sanders’ podcast It’s Been a Minute. On the Friday podcast, Sanders shares the best thing that happened to people that past week. We are interviewing people during lunch and recess to share our own stories of Joy that people are experiencing – these can be big, little, or anything in between.

MidKnight Times: “What was the best thing that happened to you this week?”

7th graders Nilaya Nag, Rebecca McCloskey, Lauren Kamin and Kate Leach were all pleased with their performance on the Unit 2 genetics test; and 7th grader Eric Wilhelmsen found joy in his Latin test.

7th grader Lawson Monroe was happy to have made the basketball team.

The best part of 8th grader Megan Klingler‘s week was training for a 10k. Go Megan!!

7th grader Samantha Dubovy was happy with her swim meet (2nd place in two races!) and 7th grader Virgina Foster performed well at a horse show.

Finally, Mrs. Thompson shared the part of her week that brought the most joy was a hike in North Georgia with her family and dog.

(please note: we could not hear some of our recordings so we are sorry if we missed your comment!!)